Thursday night!

meet us at the big round table outside whole foods market!

kahala mall, 6 to 8.

looks for two hippos sitting on a book!

we will have a book exchange table. drop a couple, take a couple or whatever. there are no rules. i’d rather you take unclaimed books back, but if you don’t, i’ll be happy to drop them off at the little free library at makiki district park.

6 – say hi or not.

6:26 – optional group photo.

6:30 – read. physical books, ebooks, audio books, or whatever!

7:30 – keep reading or stick around and chat.

lots of food and drink options nearby, but no pressure to spend any money at all.

IF IT RAINS, look for us either at the tables beneath the eaves right in front of whole foods, or at tables in the mall.

As you know by now, we’re doing our first collab, and it’s with Proof Social Club Wednesday the 29th. Baron, Ray, Terecia, and I attended their first Proof Readers Book Club event last year, and it was a super chill time for reading and chatting.

I forgot when I sent the email out: Proof’s ongoing collab with Pasta Boys is Wednesday through Saturday, which means in addition to quiet time with a book and a beer (or whatever you’re drinking — they have some nice mocktails!), you could also scarf some delicious pasta. Check their IG for an example of the offerings.

We will have a book exchange table! Leave a couple, take a couple, or whatever: there are no rules. I would rather you take your unclaimed books home with you, but if you leave them, I’ll be happy to take them to the Little Free Library in Makiki District Park.

Starts at six and goes to ten (with pasta service ending at 9). Message Mitchell (that’s me) at 830-255-7423 if you have questions, if you need a ride to or from, or if you’d like someone to talk you to or from your car or bus stop. I mean it! See you there, Book Dragons!

Candace is hosting us at Hunakai Park in Kahala, Thursday the 7th from 3 to 5!

Bring whatever you wish to read — audio books, print books, electronic books, comic books, or whatever!

Also bring something to sit on and perhaps something to sip on. There are no restrooms, so please plan ahead. Look for Candace in the shade on the Hunakai St. side of the park with a red-and-white striped Tommy Bahama beach chair.

Let’s read alone, together!

Thursday the 10th, we had our first book exchange.

It was a moderate success. More books were set free than adopted, but a few people did claim stuff they were interested in. Because of its massive popularity, I’ve wanted to read Colleen Hoover’s It Ends with Us but because of its subject matter (physical and possibly sexual abuse), I didn’t want to spend money on it. Reading about abuse is just not my speed, usually. Someone brought a copy, though, and someone claimed it and then returned it to the table, so I snatched it up.

A passerby saw our table and picked up a few things too. It’s not what I had in mind, but I was happy to see him take home some new friends.

I took the leftover books to the Little Free Library in Maikiki District Park. The cupboard was pretty bare when I got there the same Thursday night.

I added our leftovers, plus the Target shopping bag Baron brought, and the little library looked a lot more welcoming. 🙂

We’ll do it again at our November 14 meetups. Bring a couple of books, take a couple of books, or trade a couple of books. I’ll bring the leftovers either to this Little Free Library again, or to another on this island.

Beginning at tonight’s meetup, we’ll have a book exchange for anyone who wants to pass something along or pick something up. There are no rules for the exchange table: bring a couple, take a couple, exchange a couple, or whatever.

It would be nice if you would reclaim your books if nobody wants them, but no big deal if you just leave them. I’ll take them to the Little Free Library in Maikiki District Park for someone else, if you don’t take them with you.

See you this evening at 6!

A few thoughts I haven’t already shared.

  • Someone read the debrief I posted after my test flight, and she brought a small light to share because I mentioned how dark it gets. This is the kind of people we’re reading with. How wonderful is that?
  • Baron’s group shots are fantastic.
  • I never want to pressure anyone into being in a group photo, but I am so grateful everyone at that first meetup was game!
  • Ten attendees was a great number, but there is no ideal number. If it’s ever just me, I’ll be completely fine. If it’s more or fewer, it’s all good. I just want to provide the opportunity for whoever wants to take it.
  • We read for about 90 minutes at the last meetup. I’m wondering if that’s too long for some people. Looking at other Silent Book Clubs worldwide, I see almost every other group reserves an hour for the quiet reading. I admit I got a little squirmy in that last half hour, but I was also grateful we still had it.
  • I did in fact bring a roll of paper towels and a spray bottle, and they made cleaning the table a lot faster and a lot better. I’m going to keep a spray bottle (just water and liquid dishwashing detergent) and a roll of paper towels in my Silent Book Club box, which doesn’t exist yet but will before Thursday.
  • When you’re playing host, you’re never fully in the book. However, this little shortcoming is more than made up for by seeing all the people around me fully in their books. It’s truly a joyful thing to see people just enjoying reading alone together.
  • The beer at the Puka is quite good, but I’m grateful there are other options. May just get coffee this week.
  • Today I sent an email to the proprietor of a local bookstore, to see what we can set up together. I’m super excited about the possibilities!
  • The hippos are just a thing. They are not meant to be permanent avatars for this silent book club, but I’m enjoying them while they’re around.
  • I am still riding really high on how successful the last meetup was, and will echo what one of the participants said last time: I’m socially very awkward, but everyone was so nice!