Our monthly reading session at Kahala Mall is on for Thursday the 13th, from 6 to 8.

Bring something to read! Bring anything to read! In whatever format!

Look for us at the big round table in front of Whole Foods Market. If you see two hippos perched atop a book, you’ll know you’ve found us.

We’ll say hi (if you want to) at 6, then take an optional group photo, then read for an hour beginning at around 6:30. At 7:30, keep reading, stick around and chat, or call it a night.

We’ll have a book exchange table, so bring a few or take a few. I’d rather you take unclaimed books back with you, but if you don’t, I’ll drop them off at the Little Free Library at Makiki District Park.

Tons of free parking. Lots of food and drink options nearby, but no pressure to spend any money at all. Restrooms in mall and in Whole Foods Market. If it rains, we’ll probably move to tables in the mall because we probably won’t get those tables under the eaves right in front of Whole Foods. But look there first. 🙂

If you don’t already have a Honolulu Silent Book Club sticker, please take one! And we have cards with all our info, in case you’d like to spread the love.

Can’t wait to read with you!

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